lynze & kyle

what a freakin weekend. 

alabama with its fog and rain and deep woods and rolling hills. open skies and dark waters.

and this groom--in his sick blue suit--losing it when he saw his girl coming down the aisle.
and this bride--in her chic high pony wearing a two piece gown--grinning from ear to ear when she saw him. long distance no more. just all love. all heart. closeness.

lately there's this moment that happens at every wedding I shoot. it's quiet for a bit and I'm alone in my head and it hits me like a wave--this is what I'm supposed to be doing. I feel called to it. it feels like purpose. meeting you. hugging you. taking your family on as my own. taking care of you. I know this is it. and I remember each of you and every wedding and hand squeeze. I am going to keep doing this. clear eyes and full hearts over here. 

listen while you scroll. come along with me to the deep mystic south--
the sleepy woods of Alabama.

this year I can point to situation after situation where the Lord has provided in a big way--circumstances that I have had no control over that have been completely taken care of. opportunities that I didn't seek out that fell into my lap. and I would be blind and foolish to take any credit for myself. because He has provided so many good things. all you beautiful, precious couples. couples whose words end up in my inbox. time and time (and time) again. 

also thanks to my girl Krissie Glenn for tagging along and second shooting this one with me.