emily & cael || ojai.ca

nestled in the mountains and hills of ojai, in a valley full of light, emily and cael pledged love and life to one another.  and they danced beneath the stars. 


if i could go back and do this day again, i would. #reedland foreva eva. these two are real and they’re really in love. and i’m so thankful for the doors that have been opened for me that i get to be friends with people like this. beautiful artists who are bright beaming lights of warmth. 

also major shout out to my brother in law (two weeks from today!!) for second shooting this and totally beasting it. he is a genius and i’m so ready to call him fam. love you lil bro. (his website is currently under construction but you can see more of his photos on Insta).

PS: all confetti thrown for Rachel Graves over at Summer Camp