lauren & jeremy, palo duro canyon micro wedding

well a pandemic changes everything. naturally. and in ways we could have never foreseen.

how did we know that we would slow down, that we would look up? that a gathering of people would carry the weight that it does—that gathering would be precious. that it would be a new kind of treasure. that a wedding would be so measured, so pared down. the freedom that would bring. the loss, surely, but there is a gift in there, too. there always is, if you look for it.

this was not the plan, but it was something we would’ve never been given the opportunity to experience in this way had it not been for a pandemic. and the tears that watered the ground during those sacred vows seeped forever into that red rock canyon. and water has a memory and the land bore witness and will remember.

love ya, Laur and Jer. see you next year when we celebrate all this in a bigger (as in more friends present) way.

maybe then i’ll share the video i have of Lauren dancing a semi choreographed routine to a Backstreet Boys song. (it’s truly a gem of a video).

also also these canyons are no joke and i’m gonna share a video on instagram of the true wildest ride in the wilderness (sorry disney).

also also also THANKS MADISON for that gorgeous bouquet you little baby genius we all love and adore you. you are the queen of them all.