daniel & alyssa

the two becoming one. embracing the mysteries of divine mathematics. \\  m d apel


this day. the light, the dress, the girl. 
the way the trees moved, the moments that passed between sisters and mothers.
the way his face looked when he saw her at the end of the aisle. 

this is what I want to shoot. bold couples with bold love. let it be different. let it be you, through and through.

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let’s get out of the box. 

it’s so easy to get caught up in the “shoulds.” there are so many things people will tell you that you “should” do on your wedding day. and 99.9% of them don't matter. all that matters is the two of you. two people coming together to make a decision that changes everything. two people vowing selflessness. vowing love. 

so wear black lipstick. forget the smokey eye. 

I don’t shoot just to shoot. and I don’t shoot weddings to make loads of money (if I wanted to make loads of money I’d do something else.) I do this because I love it. because I have to. I don’t take on every single wedding that comes my way because not every couple is for us. we want to work with couples who want to work with us—who get us, trust us.

this is about the story—not hours of coverage.

if I’m shooting your wedding you better bet
I’m going to shoot the heck out of it.
every inch of it. 

take the time to watch the incredible video Rob did of this day. he’s my favorite—so incredibly talented. hire him. his work is so moving. magic. and I never use the word lightly. he understands moments. he finds them. and he immortalizes them in art.
a true artist. I can’t say enough good things.